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Co2 laser resurfacing

The Co2 Laser Skin Resurfacing at ND Skin Clinic is safe and extremely effective way for the skin rejuvenation of ageing and damaged skin. The principle of CO2 laser resurfacing is to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin by tageting water molecules and vaporise skin cells. The laser removes the epidermal skins cells creating way for a new, fresh skin . At the same time it penetrates more deeper into the dermal layer to stimulate collagen production, which tighten and plumps skin over timen (see more information below)

The Co2 Laser Skin Resurfacing

The Co2 Laser Skin Resurfacing at ND Skin Clinic is safe and extremely effective way for the skin rejuvenation of ageing and damaged skin .

The principle of CO2 laser resurfacing is to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin by tageting water molecules and vaporise skin cells. The laser removes the epidermal skins cells creating way for a new, fresh skin . At the same time it penetrates more deeper into the dermal layer to stimulate collagen production, which tighten and plumps skin over time

Young patients with severe acne scars

Middle age patients with fine lines, wrinkles and age spots

Older patients with deeper wrinkles, sun gamaged skin, age spots and first signs of sagging skin.

The Co2 Laser Skin Resurfacing improves the appearance of skin, leading to more rejuvenated, plumper up,  smoother, freasher, clear, brighter and more youthful looking skin.

The patient will continue to see the results develop for up to 6 months with new collagen regeneration that ‘plumps’ up the skin.

The Co2 Laser Skin Resurfacing  can be used on most parts of the face and body, but at ND skin clinic we recommend on Fitzpatric skin types I to III  to avoid complications like hyperpigmentation on more darker skin

The treated areas are on face, neck, chest, arms, hands, on the skin that shows signs of sun damage, ageing or pigmentation, following aftercare advice . Also good results shown on treating stretch marks on tummy, buttocks of post acne scarring on the upperback as well   

Minimal downtime: typically 5-10 days in total, of which 3 days are infection risk, skin feels heat for 2 to 3 days,  24 hrs swalleness, 2 days peeling effect, 7 days facial redness. The healing process on the body takes longer,  2 weeks in total.

to book a free consultation if you are suitable for CO2 laser resurfacing treatment contact on 01617732799 or 07969524109

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